Registration & Timeline

Stay in Touch  

Each entrant will receive a number of pre-event emails. Like our event Facebook page to stay up to date with things and get all the juicy inside goss about the event. If you are not ready to commit to this event but would like to join our Total Sport mailing list, please click here

A copy of Hunua Hillbilly pre-event information email can be found here

Event Base 

We will be based out of the stunning Upper Mangatawhiri Campground (Waterline Road, Hunua) 


Where: Upper Mangatawhiri Campground

When: Friday evening - 6pm to 8pm & Saturday morning - 4:00am to 4:30am

Event Timeline 


3pm  Campground open 

6pm - 8pm  Registration open   

8pm  Campground closed for arrivals. 


4am - 4:30am Registration open  

4.45am Event briefing 

5am  Event start 

6:30pm - 8pm Dinner served (Rolling) 

8pm  Event closed

8pm Event Prize Giving

9pm - 10pm Hunua Hoedown 

11pm  Lights out